
This section provides news about PASCAL together with significant developments in policy and research relating to the areas of interest to PASCAL. It is based on regular scanning of policy, practice and academic literature, including web-based sources.

We invite readers to submit items for consideration. Please send your contributions to our Submissions Administrator.

PASCAL SIG - Public Sector Interface: Competitiveness and the Economy, Issue One: March 2016

The purpose of this PASCAL Special Interest Group (SIG) is to examine the interface between PASCAL and the public policy sectors. While this topic is a very broad it cuts across sectors and issues, including innovative resource sharing and the role of institutions of higher education, and those organizations that develop policy. It includes the development of intercultural activity.

PASCAL Special Interest Groups

PASCAL is establishing a series of Special Interest Groups (SIGs) to give focus to the advice required by the Board in particular areas.

The Groups will consist of 6 to 8 people, made up of academics and  practitioners in the public, private and NGO sectors and will have a wide geographical spread and gender balance so far as possible. The members of the Groups will serve for up to 3 years with the possibility of renewal and the Groups will report to the Board at least annually with the invitation to report more frequently when needed.

The PASCAL Glasgow Statement on Innovation in Building Sustainable Learning Cities

In blazingly wonderful weather, the very successful 13th PASCAL Conference in Glasgow was brought to a close by Dr Peter Kearns, who articulated the proceedings and the consensus that delegates had found.  The PASCAL Glasgow Statement on Innovation in Building Sustainable Learning Cities describes the steps that PASCAL will take over the next two years, the networks it will work through, and the people, institutions and initiatives PASCAL will be allied with.  These learning plans express an appetite for innovation which characterizes PASCAL’s practical contribution, and they are set in the moral context of global social cohesion which continues to inspire PASCAL’s members.

On the eve of the PASCAL 2016 Conference - Programme, Papers and Showcases

On the eve of the PASCAL 2016 Conference in Glasgow 3-5 June, 2016, here's a reminder that a full set of information on places, times and facilities is available online for you to reference or download (click on each image):

The Talloires Network E-Newsletter - TN in Pakistan, Brazil, and around the world

The Talloires Network is one of the partners with whom PASCAL collaborates. The Network enjoys a high profile and is among the several national and international bodies encouraging universities worldwide to adopt a more centrally-focussed universities' 'third mission' commitment to community service in its different senses and settings.

Here is a the latest copy of Talloires Network E-Newletter:

14th PASCAL International Observatory Conference - South Africa

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