Three publications from the THEMP project - Tertiary Lifelong Learning in Mid-Life

Three recent publications from the THEMP project are available below:<--break->

Mapping of the Context of Tertiary Lifelong Learning - Transnational Report

In the last few decades several efforts have been made in order to classify the different institutional models of the capitalist market economies. The core aim of these classification attempts has been to understand the processes of convergence and integration between the various models by reflecting to their differences and similarities.

Social Effectiveness of Tertiary Lifelong Learning

This publication presents the theoretical framework within the THEMP project to measure social effectiveness based on three main approaches:

  • Transitional Labour Market (TLM) approach (Schmid)
  • Capability approach (Sen)
  • Capital approach (Bourdieu & Becker)

The publication is based on the elaboration and the discussion of three discussion papers.

Social Vulnerability Management - A Concept to Manage Tertiary Lifelong Learning (Synthesis)

In this report, the theoretical outline for the research project is presented. It is concerned with the Lifelong Learning strategies of 21 universities in 7 European countries. Project THEMP addresses one of the main challenges of the ageing knowledge economy: how can the European society organise a constant upgrading of the skills of the active population older than 40 years to prevent their old and new social risks; to mitigate and to cope with its negative impact on the work and life of the citizens.

THEMP - Mapping of the Context of Tertiary Lifelong Learning - Transnational Report.pdf1.2 MB
Social Effectiveness of TLL(1).pdf5.26 MB
SocialVulnerabilityManagement.pdf1.39 MB

14th PASCAL International Observatory Conference - South Africa

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