The Talloires Network E-Newsletter - September 2014

The Talloires Network is one of the partners with whom PASCAL collaborates. The Network enjoys a high profile and is among the several national and international bodies encouraging universities worldwide to adopt a more centrally-focussed universities' 'third mission' commitment to community service in its different senses and settings.

Here is a copy of Talloires Network E-Newletter for September 2014:

TN Newsletter

Mark GearanTNLC Registration Now Open

It has been a busy summer for the Talloires Network!

With this issue of the TN Newsletter, we are launching a new format which also has mobile and tablet versions, making it easier for you to read the newsletter on the go. If you have any questions or comments on the new layout, please contact TN Communications Coordinator, Matias Ramos.

In July, the Talloires Network Steering Committee met by conference call. Among the topics of discussion were: the work of the Secretariat over the last six months, recommendations from the Nominating Committee about the election of new SC members and planning for the 2014 Talloires Network Leaders Conference. In addition, we elected Tufts President Tony Monaco and University of Pretoria Vice-Chancellor Cheryl de la Rey to become Chair and Vice-Chair respectively, starting January 1, 2015. The Steering Committee will convene in person advance of the TNLC 2014, which is now less than three months away!

We have already received more than 150 registrants from more than 20 countries and look forward to additional Talloires Network members registering before October 31, when registration closes. The Secretariat staff is working closely with local, regional and international partners to put together the conference program, a draft of which will be available in early October. We also recently launched a student video contest and will be opening discussion forums on the TNLC website later this month. We encourage you to share the video contest with students at your university and to visit the forums to connect with colleagues in advance of TNLC 2014. Please check the TNLC website for more updates as the conference approaches.

Best wishes to those starting a new academic year and to those who are now mid-term!

Mark Gearan

Talloires Network Steering Committee Elects New Leaders

During the July 21 Talloires Network (TN) Steering Committee (SC) meeting, the current members of the SC elected Tufts University President, Anthony Monaco, and University of Pretoria Vice-Chancellor, Cheryl de la Rey, to serve as Chair and Vice-Chair respectively. Mark Gearan and Jan Reid will complete their terms in those respective positions, which they have served in since 2011. Gearan will remain a member of the SC while Reid will be finish her term in December. Learn More>>>

Talloires Network Leaders Conference 2014

University students and recent graduates are invited to submit entries for the 2014 Talloires Network Leaders Conference Video Competition. Submissions should highlight a local university program dedicated to student community engagement. Following the conference theme of “Live Engagement, Transform Lives”, we seek inspired work about university students making an impact in their communities. Monetary prizes will be given to the best submissions, which will be featured at #TNLC2014. Learn More>>>

The deadline to apply for a travel grant has been extended to September 15th, 2014. We have a limited number of travel grants available to members traveling from developing countries and to universities with limited budgets.The travel grants will cover a 3-night hotel stay and up to $1,000 for the cost of the flight. Learn More>>>

Carnegie Corporation has joined the growing number of TNLC supporters. They will subsidize participation by African university leaders, defraying the cost of travel and accomodations.

A continental summit, organized by TrustAfrica, with the theme Revitalisation of Higher Education for Africa’s Future will be held on March 10 – 12, 2015 in Dakar, Senegal. Organizers have asked the Talloires Network to convene African student leaders at TNLC to prepare recommendations for the charter that will be issued at the Dakar conference.

Partner Network News

CLAYSS (The Latin American Center for Learning and Service) held its 17th annual "Learning and Solidary Service" seminar on August 28th and 29th in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Congratulations to CLAYSS' leadership and staff on their succesful gathering of more than 400 civic engagement practitioners. Learn More>>>

AsiaEngage's 2nd Regional Conference, themed "Innovation & Creativity: Collaborating with Communities to Tackle Problems across ASEAN, Asia and Beyond", is set to take place from the 17th to 20th of November 2014 in Bali, Indonesia. Registration to become a participant in the 4-day conference, pre-conference workshops and community tour is now open. Learn More>>>

The Community-Campus Partnerships for Health has announces that its Board of Directors has selected Al Richmond as the next executive director, effective September, 2014. Learn More>>>

The 1st Pakistan Chapter of Talloires Network (PCTN) Steering Committee meeting was held on August 7, 2014 at National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST), Islamabad.  The 6 member steering committee  - headed by Chair PCTN and Rector NUST – was formed in November 2013. Learn More>>>

Talloires Network Programs and Announcements

Nomination forms for the 2015 MacJannet Prize will be available in mid-October and will be due in late January 2015. Please watch for the official call for nominations next month. Winners of the prize will be announced in May 2015. Visit the MacJannet section of our website to see the timeline for the 2015 nomination and selection process and to view profiles of previous winners. Learn More>>>

Opportunities and Announcements

The K. Patricia Cross Future Leaders Award recognizes graduate students who show exemplary promise as future leaders of higher education. Submissions for this year's award are due on October 1st, 2014. Learn More>>>

The National Coordinating Council for Public Engagement in Higher Education and the Institute of Education in the UK have proposed a new open access journal for all those who are concerned about using knowledge to make a democratic impact on society. Research for All: Universities and Society welcomes contributions from all social worlds and academic disciplines where people share, inspire or challenge each other’s interests in doing or using research. Learn More>>>

This year, the New England Resource Center for Higher Education (NERCHE) and the Center for Engaged Democracy (CED) at Merrimack College are pleased to present the Lynton Award to Dr. Jomella Watson-Thompson from the University of Kansas. Learn More>>>

Papers and Publications

University World News, official media partner of TNLC 2014, features the Youth Economic Participation Initiative in an article titled, "Universities and Employability: Preparing for the demands of work". TN's program manager Amy Newcomb Rowe is featured, as well as YEPI partners in Burkina Faso, Malaysia, and Minnesota. Learn More>>>

"Service learning is a methodology of teaching. First and foremost, it's a pedagogy," says Newcomb Rowe in "Arab Students Grow Community Roots with Service Learning", published by Al-Fanar Media, an editorially independent publication dedicated to covering higher education in the Arab region. Learn More>>>

Upcoming Events

Register today for the 3rd Annual Lynton Colloquium on the Scholarship of Engagement. The questions guiding this year's Lynton Colloquium encourage us to think toward what matters in the field of civic and community engagement. It will be held on Monday, September 15, 2014, at UMass Boston. Learn More>>>

Making Cents International presents the 2014 Global Youth Economic Opportunities Summit. Designed for funders, private sector companies, policy makers, youth leaders, implementers, educators, and researchers, this summit attracts more than 400 attendees from 50 countries. It will take place between October 6th and 8th, in Washington, DC. Learn More>>>

14th PASCAL International Observatory Conference - South Africa

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