The Talloires Network E-Newsletter - April 2014

The Talloires Network is one of the partners with whom PASCAL collaborates. The Network enjoys a high profile and is among the several national and international bodies encouraging universities worldwide to adopt a more centrally-focussed universities' 'third mission' commitment to community service in its different senses and settings.

Here is a copy of Talloires Network E-Newletter for April 2014:

TN Newsletter header 2
April 3, 2014 The Talloires Network Newsletter

In This Issue

Leaders in the Civic Engagement Movement Series

TNLC 2014

Partner Network News

Talloires Network Programs and Announcements

Opportunities and Announcements

Papers and Publications

Upcoming Events


New Members    

Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University, Lucknow (India)

To see a full list of our 316 member institutions,
click here

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Talloires Website

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Google Map showing our member universities


About the Talloires Network

The Talloires Network secretariat is located at Tufts University.

Contact Us

Rob Hollister
Executive Director
[email protected]

Dr. Lorlene Hoyt
Director of Programs and Research
[email protected]

Jennifer Catalano
Director, Youth Economic Participation Initiative
[email protected]

Amy Newcomb Rowe
Program Manager, Youth Economic Participation Initiative
[email protected]

Rantimi Oluwasegun
Budget and Program Coordinator, Youth Economic Participation Initiative
[email protected]

Maureen Keegan
Senior Program Coordinator
[email protected]

Matias Ramos
Communications Coordinator

[email protected]

Edwin Nelson
Program Assistant, Youth Economic Participation Initiative
[email protected]

Steering Committee members

Mark Gearan (Chair)
President, Hobart and William Smith Colleges

Janice Reid (Vice-Chair)
Former Vice-Chancellor, University of Western Sydney

Lisa Anderson
President, American University in Cairo

Scott Cowen
President, Tulane University

Cheryl de la Rey, Vice-Chancellor and Principal, University of Pretoria

Sharifah Hapsah Shahabudin
Former Vice-Chancellor, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia

Shamsh Kassim-Lakha
Founding President, Aga Khan University

Anthony Monaco
President, Tufts University

Olive Mugenda
Vice-Chancellor, Kenyatta University

José María Sanz Martínez
Rector, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

María Nieves Tapia, Director, Latin American Center for Service-Learning

Timothy Tong, President, Hong Kong Polytechnic University

John Wood
Secretary General, Association of Commonwealth Universities

Update from the Chair: President Mark Gearan

Mark GearanJust over 8 months until the 2014 Talloires Network Leaders Conference gets underway at the Spier Conference Center and Hotel in Stellenbosch, South Africa! Conference planning is well underway and I have several exciting updates to provide.

First, the TN Secretariat launched the conference website in mid-March. Accommodation options, the conference description, and preliminary program elements are among the items currently included on the site. The site will be updated over the coming weeks as planning continues and more information is available. Be sure to follow Talloires Network on Twitter and like Talloires Network on Facebook to be among the first to know when new information is added to the website.
I am also pleased to share that a number of additional National, Regional and Global Partners have signed on to collaborate with the Talloires Network to plan and conduct TNLC 2014, bringing the total to 14. A full list of the partner organizations is available on the conference website. Several of these partners will be convening meetings of their networks at TNLC 2014. We look forward to working with them in the coming months to highlight and reinforce the compelling leadership of national, regional and global networks in advancing university-community partnerships throughout the world.
Lastly, please mark your calendars for June 1, 2014 when conference registration will open!

TNLC 2014

TNLC 2014 - It Can Be More Than a Conference
by Rob Hollister
TNLC 2014 promises to be a highly informative and energizing gathering.  But I want to encourage you to think of it as more than an event where you’ll make presentations, listen to talks, and participate in discussions.  Join me in approaching Cape Town as an opportunity to really advance our work.  TNLC 2014 can be a focus for organizing, a lever for change.  Let’s use the months leading up to Cape Town to intensify exchange of experience and joint planning and action. Learn More>>


Leaders in the Civic Engagement Movement Series

April 2014 Leaders in the Civic Engagement: USA
Co-edited by Lorlene Hoyt and Amy Newcomb Rowe
April signals the seventh edition of the expanded series. This issue includes an introduction to the United States of America and Auburn University in the state of Alabama. Also, we feature interviews with Giovanna Summerfield, Associate Dean for Educational Affairs at Auburn University and Mark Wilson, Director of Civic Learning Initiatives. 
Learn More>>

Partner Network News

Making Engagement Relevant in Higher Education
Dr. Rajesh Tandon, UNESCO Co-Chair in Community Based Research and Social Responsibility and facilitator of the Global Alliance for Community-Engaged Research, recently authored a blog post on social responsibility and community engagement in India.
Learn More>>

2014 Newman Civic Fellows
Campus CompactCampus Compact recently named the 2014 Newman Civic Fellows. The Newman Civic Fellows Award honors inspiring college student leaders who have demonstrated an investment in finding solutions for challenges facing communities throughout the country. Learn More>>

Upcoming Meeting of the Iberian-American Service-Learning Network
The next meeting of the Iberian-American Service-Learning Network (CLAYSS) will take place on April 11th from 8:00 - 10:00 AM EST in Washington, DC. The meeting will be part of the activities involved in MONUMENTAL, NYLC's 25th Annual National Service-Learning Conference which happens to coincide with its 30th anniversary. An online connection will be available so that those who can't travel to DC will still be able to participate. Contact [email protected] for more information.


Talloires Network Programs and Announcements

Upcoming Faculty and Staff Professional Development Program Webinar
Join the Talloires Network and Innovations in Civic Participation on Wednesday, April 9, 2014 from 12:00 PM - 1:15 PM UTC/GMT for a webinar on Setting Goals and Capturing Impacts and Outcomes of Community Engagement. Webinar participants will learn about these trends and new approaches to the planning of a community engagement agenda and the creation of systematic approaches to monitoring activities and capturing evidence of impacts and outcomes for internal and external purposes. There is no fee for participation. Learn More>>

Campus Engage Ireland Symposium
Campus EngageThe Talloires Network will be co-sponsoring the Campus Engage Ireland Symposium on June 17, 2014 in Dublin, Ireland, entitled Campus-Community Partnerships: Conversations for Change. Sir David Watson and Dr. Barbara Holland will be the keynote speakers. Learn More>>

Scott Cowen Receives 2014 Hesburgh Award
cowen-hesburgh-ACEThe Talloires Network Secretariat would like to congratulate Tulane University President, Scott Cowen, who recently received the 2014 TIAA-CREF Theodore M. Hesburgh Award for Leadership Excellence in Higher Education. Cowen was presented with the award at the ACE Annual Meeting in March 2014. Learn More>>

Lisa Anderson Featured in the Financial Times
TN Steering Committee member Lisa Anderson was featured in the Financial Times, sharing her vision and strategy for the American University in Cairo. Learn More>>

Opportunities and Announcements

Evaluating Community Impact: Capturing and Making Sense of Community Outcomes
TamarackLogoThe Tamarack Institute will be hosting two workshops on evaluating community impact in 2014. The first will take place from June 2-4 in Halifax and the second will take place from November 18-20 in Winnipeg. The workshops are intended to provide those who are funding, planning and implementing community change initiatives with an opportunity to learn the latest and most practical evaluation ideas and practices. Learn More>>

Spencer Foundation RFP
As part of the New Civics Initiative, the Spencer Foundation has released a Request for Proposals on Measuring the Quality of Civic and Political Engagement. They will fund research teams interested in developing valid and reliable measures of quality within two priority areas: (1) Engagement with Evidence and Arguments and (2) Engagement Across Difference. Preliminary proposals will be accepted until July 1, 2014. Learn More>>

European Journal of Higher Education: Special Issue Call for Papers
REHEThe European Journal of Higher Education is now accepting papers for a special issue on the Institutionalization of Universities' Third Mission in 2015. The aim of this Special Issue is to undertake a critical, comparative appraisal of the impacts of the institutionalization of the ‘third mission’ of societal engagement at a variety of levels. Submission deadline is September 1, 2014. Learn More>>

Papers and Publications

E-Service Learning: Creating Experiential Learning and Civic Engagement through Online and Hybrid
Edited by Jean R. Strait and Katherine Nordyke, Foreword by Andrew Furco

9781620360644_cf200This book serves as an introduction to using online teaching technologies and hybrid forms of teaching for experiential learning and civic engagement. Service-learning has kept pace neither with the rapid growth in e-learning in all its forms nor with the reality that an increasing number of students are learning online without exposure to the benefits of this powerful pedagogy. Learn More>>

Universities and Development - A Core Mission Dilemma
"Reconciling the wish to prioritise societal and development goals with growing pressures to perform on other core missions has emerged as a major dilemma for universities in "The World Beyond 2015", a campaign of the Association of Commonwealth Universities to raise awareness of why and how higher education should respond to global challenges," writes Karen MacGregor for University World News. Learn More>>

Higher Education Beyond Job Creation: Universities, Citizenship, and Community
by Thomas A. Bryer
Higher education in the United States and elsewhere is being forced to respond to several disparate social and economic pressures: social trust and connectedness is down, empathy across citizens is deteriorating, political awareness and participation are low, and job prospects and financial security are sobering for many citizens, even the college educated. The response to these pressures is not to double down on one mission of higher education, namely job creation. Instead, higher education marching into the next decades requires an integrative approach that promotes job creation, skill development, citizen cultivation, and knowledge dissemination—all oriented towards strengthening communities and providing opportunity for all citizens to pursue the good life. Learn More>>

Universities Challenge - Balancing Local and Global
In an article for University World News, Najma Najam questions whether universities' goals and priorities need to be mutually exclusive or whether a mutually beneficial balance can be achieved. Learn More>>

Learning and Teaching Community-Based Research: Linking Pedagogy to Practice
Edited by Catherine Etmanski, Budd L. Hall and Teresa Dawson

9781442699403Community-Based Research, or CBR, is a mix of innovative, participatory approaches that put the community at the heart of the research process. Learning and Teaching Community-Based Research shows that CBR can also operate as an innovative pedagogical practice, engaging community members, research experts, and students. Learn More>>

Theory and Empirical Research in Social Entrepreneurship
Edited by Philip Phan, Jill Kickul, Sophie Bacq and Mattias Nordqvist

9781782546825-thumbScholars and policy makers have long recognized entrepreneurship as a powerful engine of economic growth. There is clear evidence, however, that when it comes to social entrepreneurship, policy attention has not been matched by growth in scholarly research. This volume illustrates the type of empirical effort that must take place for the field to advance.
Learn More>>

Upcoming Events

For a complete list of upcoming events, visit our website>>

2014 University-Industry Interaction Conference: Challenges and Solutions for Fostering Entrepreneurial Universities and Collaborative Innovation. Barcelona. Spain. 23 – 25 April 2014.
With more than 300 participants, the conference will be the leading international discussion forum for academics, researchers, practitioners and business representatives on university-industry interaction, where theory and practice are equally emphasised in the programme, which consists out of keynote presentations, track sessions, workshops and sight visits. During this three day conference, high emphasis is placed on networking opportunities and creative space, as well as skill development workshops (executive education), delivered by EADA Business School, one of Europe’s leading Business Schools. Learn More>>

6th Annual Connecting Campuses with Communities: Service Learning Institute and Research Academy. Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis. Indianapolis, Indiana. USA. 12 – 16 May 2014.
Connecting Campuses with Communities is a capacity building program for faculty and staff that is co-sponsored by Indiana Campus Compact and the IUPUI Center for Service and Learning. In the past, over 250 engaged scholars from more than 100 institutions and five countries have attended this annual event to enhance their service-learning teaching and community-based research. Learn More>>

CUVIC 2014. Beyond Engagement: Creating Integration, Innovation and Impact. University of Victoria. Victoria, British Columbia. Canada. 20 – 22 May 2014.
As universities seek to enhance their potential to contribute to the public good, there is growing effort globally to promote community-university engagement. At the same time communities, organizations and governments seek to leverage the knowledge and resource capacity of universities to address community needs.  CUVIC 2014 is an opportunity to reflect on these efforts and enable community-university innovation and action within the institutional, Indigenous, national and global context. Learn More>>

Takaful 2014. Fourth Annual Conference on Arab Philanthropy and Civic Engagement. Beirut. Lebanon. 4 June - 6 June 2014.
Takaful is an annual regional meeting of scholars, young researchers, policy-makers, activists and practitioners in the field of philanthropy and civic engagement, both from within and outside the Arab region. The conference is structured to encourage interaction between scholarly analysis and lived experience, with the hope of contributing to sound policy and practice in philanthropy and civic engagement. Papers of a comparative nature and those covering understudied geographical areas are particularly welcome. Takaful 2014 will be hosted jointly by the John D. Gerhart Center for Philanthropy and Civic Engagement at the American University in Cairo, the American University in Beirut, the University of Balamand, and Columbia Global Centers | Middle East (Amman). Learn More>>



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