An Opportunity We Should Not Lose - Barcelona International Conference on Knowledge, Transformation and Higher Education

Several of you are already deeply involved or know about the forthcoming Barcelona International Conference on Knowledge, Transformation and Higher Education, so please accept our apologies for the duplication!

"We are willing to organize everything to make this the most creative and productive world conference ever on community-university engagement" Cristina Esgrigas and GUNi colleagues

As you know, Rajesh and I are working with the remarkable GUNi colleagues on both the May 13-15 Conference and the subsequent World Report on Higher Education. We are doing so in order to further the dream of so many of us to create a space where as many of the major networks in the world and as many of you who are leaders in this movement can be in one place to substantially advance a collective agenda.  The Barcelona event is not a GUNi event!  It is our event. The talented team at GUNi are at our disposal to help our global movement come together and move our actions and collaborations forward.  This is an opportunity that will not come again for a long time.

Reports from GUNi team are that the responses to the Call for Good Practices and the registrations are low….so we are asking for your help.

We need your help!

  1. Please respond to the Call for Good Practices yourselves (deadline – Jan 31!)
  2. Please ask others in your networks and organizations
  3. Please ask others to help spread the word about the event
  4. Please ask for space for parallel meetings of your own in Barcelona
  5. Please be ready to be part of the 'Big Tent' of networks that will create the Global Communique
  6. Please ask students to send in their videos to the "World We Imagine"

Attached is a flyer for the conference and for the Call for Good Practices

Thank you for your continued leadership throughout the world.  We look forward to being together in Barcelona in May

Cristina Esgrigas, Executive Director of GUNi
Rajesh Tandon and Budd L Hall, Co-Chairs
UNESCO Chair in Community-Based Research and Social Responsibility in Higher Education

FlyerConference2013-dic2012-English.pdf3.3 MB
call4goodpractices.pdf452.87 KB

14th PASCAL International Observatory Conference - South Africa

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