New LABlearning resources coming up...

LABlearningAs we know that many of you are interested in offering young people with poor educational and life perspectives new learning opportunities, we would like to draw your attention to some things being developed in the EU LABlearning project.

The project will offer disengaged young people new learning opportunities in creative media laboratories across Europe in 2012 and 2013 and share the lessons we learn with European colleagues and institutions.

We attach the first draft version of the project's Media Lab Platform in two parts:

Part 1 is about Guidelines for the laboratories and Part 2 is Inspiration for further reflection and discussion.

Furthermore, you are welcome to follow the development of the creative project website on - to be launched shortly and to be further elaborated along the project lifetime.

You are most welcome to comment on and contribute to the Platform debate and the website, as we prefer an open Platform debate and as the project website will include a variety of inspirational material from different sources.

You are also welcome to forward this communication to interested colleagues.

Best regards,

Jan Gejel

LABlearning Platform - INSPIRATION FINAL DRAFT.pdf540.01 KB
LABlearning Platform - GUIDELINES Final Draft.pdf295.21 KB

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