How can universities support disadvantaged communities?

This report written by Fred Robinson, Ian Zass-Ogilvie and Ray Hudson for the Joseph Rowntree Foundation in the UK comes a little late to our attention as it was published in 2012, but will be of interest to many subscribers.

This is taken from the report:

This report shows what universities are doing to reach out to disadvantaged communities and develop eff ective relationships; it is intended to encourage and inspire them to do more, and to do it better. Universities can provide a wide range of opportunities and facilities, resources and expertise. They have a lot to off er disadvantaged communities, and a university’s engagement with communities can enrich teaching, learning and research. 

The report focuses on: the eff orts universities are making to recruit students from disadvantaged groups; the provision of outreach education in the community; opportunities for students to learn in the community – and contribute to the community – through placements and projects; collaborative research with communities; student and staff volunteering; the roles and responsibilities of universities as community leaders and employers; and the importance of institutional commitment and the factors promoting successful engagement with disadvantaged communities.

disadvantaged-communities-and-universities-full.pdf789.77 KB

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