GUNiResearch Project on Community Engagement: Invitation to participate

The Global University Network for Innovation (GUNi) would like to invite you to take part in a research project on worldwide initiatives on community university engagement (CUE) by completing an online survey questionnaire.

The objective of this research project is to study the diversity of engagement types amongst higher education institutions and their communities. For that purpose, we need to document different initiatives of service-learning, science shops, community-based research, engaged scholarship, academic enterprise, knowledge mobilization, implementation science and/or research utilization.

The survey questionnaire includes different sections with both scaled response-type questions and questions requiring evidence of a more qualitative nature.

The outcomes of the research project will be debated at the 6th International Barcelona Conference on Higher Education (May 2013). Please note that a Call for Practices has been just issued on the occasion of the Conference which could be of your interest.

All responses of the survey questionnaire will be featured in the research project's publication and at the GUNi website. Also, the conclusions of the research project will be published at the next GUNi Report, Higher Education in the world 5.


14th PASCAL International Observatory Conference - South Africa

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