GACER/UNESCO CBR Chair News - Leadership for improved academic enterprise, more...

Emeritus Prof James Powell former Pro VC for academic enterprise at Salford University, now with PASCAL [leading the PUMR project, Ed], and Dr. Andrew Clark of Salford University have completed a very useful piece of research on the characteristics of Higher Education involved in Academic Enterprise.  Academic enterprise is similar to public engagement, outreach/reach out, community university partnerships, community engaged scholarship.  

This paper is featured below and is also available from the UK Leadership Foundation for Higher Education.


We are working with GUNI on a World Report on Community Engagement in Higher Education- We need examples of exciting new ideas that you are engaged with or know about that would serve as examples and inspiration to others working in this field.  They can be innovative new structures, innovative student engagement schemes, examples of NGOs playing lead roles in research, things having an impact on citizen engagement and social change, etc.  

Please send your ideas to Jesus Granados Sanchez at GUNI – [email protected]


 Chris Anderson is the head of TED Talks, the phenomenal global learning platform based on a formula of tight well designed video talks.  He has produced his own Ted Talk on the idea that he calls 'crowd accelerated innovation'.  He claims that the web based video can be the kind of dramatic communications revolution that the printing press was originally.  It will give back the story to humanity and allow for a revolution in idea creation and sharing.  What are the implications for Community University Engagement?  Take a look at his Ted talk and see what you think.  Please stay to the end of the talk as in some ways the very best segment is by Christopher Macau from Tedx Kibera, the slum in Nairobi, Kenya.

TENT CITY UNIVERSITY: Anyone can teach, Everyone can learn

 The Occupy Movement is arguably the most educational, process oriented and learning focused of any of the major social movements of the past 50 years.  In doing some writing on learning and the Occupy Movement, I came across an exciting form of engaged learning: Tent City University established by the #OccupyLSX movement in London, England.  As they say, 

 "This is a space to learn, share knowledge and develop skills through a wide series of workshops, lectures, debates, films, games, praxis and action. As formal education becomes more and more commodified and inaccessible, here we have an opportunity to explore popular alternatives. Because between us we have all the resources we need. Anyone can teach, everyone can learn – and the two go hand in hand. Feel free to propose sessions, listen to new ideas and share with others what you know or want to know. Let’s learn together!"

Leadership_for_improved_academic_enterprise.pdf194.17 KB

14th PASCAL International Observatory Conference - South Africa

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