CALL FOR PAPERS - 14th PASCAL International Conference: Trends2017 - Which Way to Go? Skukuza, South Africa

The Conference organisers have taken their inspiration from the OECD publication: “Trends Shaping Education 2016”. This publication looks at what is happening in the world and how this reflects on education. OECD is an organisation with many resources and access to big data. The series, however, wants to inform for purposes of strategic thinking and stimulate reflection about the future of education; It is here we wish to link up education and the overall development of our societies,

The main trends presented in this publication constitute the main 5 themes with their strands for the 2017 conference. These themes illustrate where the interaction between community, science and research and education will find challenges and opportunities.

The five strands are:

  1. Globalisation
  2. The Future of the Nation-State
  3. Are Cities New Countries?
  4. Family Matters
  5. A Brave New World

Each of these is developed in the STRANDS section of the Conference website.

We invite papers that are reporting well-developed research and development work relevant to the conference theme or any of the STRANDS.

You will be asked to provide in your online submission:

  • Presenter name(s), title(s), and organisational affiliation(s);
  • Email address and a short biography of each presenter (max 100 words);
  • A picture (headshot) of the each presenter (JPG or PNG format, minimum size 180px x 180px);
    • An Abstract which should indicate the following;

      • the nature of the paper or poster, for example, whether it is a report of completed research, work in progress, ‘blue skies’ thinking, an analytical or discussion paper or a demonstration project;
      • the issues the paper or poster raises;
      • the relationship of the paper to other literature and research;
      • the approach to the topic, and where relevant an outline of methodology; and
      • where appropriate your conclusions and recommendations.
      • Please indicate if you would like to present a paper or a poster. Posters offer the opportunity to present on-going research projects, innovative work in progress, and best practice cases, and allow the presenter to engage closely with conference attendees.

Abstracts should not exceed 500 words for papers and 250 words for posters, and be in Word format. The working language for the conference is English.

Lastly, please supply a list of keywords (separated by commas) and the Conference Strand that applies to your presentation.

Abstracts must be submitted to [email protected] by April 17th, 2017 and will be peer reviewed. Contributors will be notified regarding acceptance of their papers between March 22nd, 2017 and May 17th, 2017. Abstracts submitted for the paper track can be considered for the poster track; you will be notified in writing should this be the case.

More information may be found on the 14th PASCAL International Conference website...


14th PASCAL International Observatory Conference - South Africa

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