
This section provides news about PASCAL together with significant developments in policy and research relating to the areas of interest to PASCAL. It is based on regular scanning of policy, practice and academic literature, including web-based sources.

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PASCAL 2010 Keynote - Engagement in African Universities - Professor Olusola Oyewole

The first keynote at the 9th PASCAL International Observatory conference in Gaborone, Botswana was presented by Professor Olusola Oyewole of African Union, Addis Ababa on the topic of Regional Engagement for African Universities: Challenges and Prospects. This presentation complemented a series of excellent welcome sessions from the Mayor of Gaborone City, the Vice Chancellor of the University of Botswana and the Chair of the PASCAL Advisory Board.

The supporting keynote presentation outline appears below:

Knowledge Cities Summit

The Knowledge Cities Summit, held in Melbourne last week, was an important opportunity for academics, government and business to talk with each other about the emerging features of economic and social development, and the ways in which different kinds of knowledge contribute. As the ‘new club of Paris’ would say, it is the challenge of developing with the unlimited resources which knowledge offers.

Universities and regions: engagement for regional development

Issues of policy and practice arising from the PASCAL PURE programme.

This paper highlights issues of policy and practice for securing effective engagement between regional authorities and universities to enhance regional development.  It draws particularly on experience reported in the 17 regions in different parts of the world taking part in the Pascal PURE programme to offer practical suggestions for regions and universities to apply within the particular contexts in which they find themselves.

14th PASCAL International Observatory Conference - South Africa

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