
This section provides news about PASCAL together with significant developments in policy and research relating to the areas of interest to PASCAL. It is based on regular scanning of policy, practice and academic literature, including web-based sources.

We invite readers to submit items for consideration. Please send your contributions to our Submissions Administrator.

Three chairs and a reader/senior lecturer in Social Data Science at the University of Glasgow

An exciting opportunity has arisen for a Chair (3 Posts) and Reader/Senior Lecturer positions in Social Data Science within the College of Social Sciences. For  further details on this position, please see below or click on the link:

Call for Chapter Abstracts - Researchers at Risk: The Precarious Positions of Scholars Conducting Dangerous Enquiries

This proposed edited research book is focused on the phenomenon of researchers at risk – that is, the experiences and perceptions of scholars whose topics of research require them to engage with diverse kinds of dangers, uncertainties or vulnerabilities.

Sometimes this risk derives from working with variously marginalised individuals and groups, or from being members of such groups themselves; at other times, the risk relates to particular economic or environmental conditions and/or political forces influencing the specific research fields in which they operate.

The Talloires Network E-Newsletter - April 2019

The Talloires Network is one of the partners with whom PASCAL collaborates. The Network enjoys a high profile and is among the several national and international bodies encouraging universities worldwide to adopt a more centrally-focussed universities' 'third mission' commitment to community service in its different senses and settings.

Here is a copy of Talloires Network E-Newletter for April 2019:

Applications for the Professor Sir David Watson Award for Community University Partnerships now open

The Sir David Watson Awards recognises the combined efforts of community and university partners towards making a difference to the lives of people in their shared community. These awards have been created in memory of Professor Sir David Watson, honouring his leadership in encouraging community-university engagement.

2019: A crucial year for Europe and universities

In 2019, the EU will welcome a new leadership, face the final chapter of Brexit and set the rules for its new research and education programmes. At the same time, new technologies, larger and more diverse student populations, constraints on academic freedom and new ways to learn and teach will have a strong impact on the longer-term opportunities and challenges at Europe’s universities.

14th PASCAL International Observatory Conference - South Africa

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