
This section provides news about PASCAL together with significant developments in policy and research relating to the areas of interest to PASCAL. It is based on regular scanning of policy, practice and academic literature, including web-based sources.

We invite readers to submit items for consideration. Please send your contributions to our Submissions Administrator.

University-Regional Partnerships: Case Studies. Mobilising Universities for Smart Specialisation

The attached booklet provides a variety of case studies of university-regional partnerships across Europe. All of them have been provided by members of the S3 Platform established by DG Regional Policy and managed by the Joint Research Centre in Seville. 

People Centered Smart Territories: Design, Learning & Analytics

IxD&A (Interaction Design and Architecture (s)) Journal has produced a special issue on "People Centered Smart Territories: Design, Learning & Analytics" (No 20, Spring 2014) This issue provides a useful reminder that we need to move beyond technology in considering the Smart City approach.

The Talloires Network E-Newsletter - May 2014

The Talloires Network is one of the partners with whom PASCAL collaborates. The Network enjoys a high profile and is among the several national and international bodies encouraging universities worldwide to adopt a more centrally-focussed universities' 'third mission' commitment to community service in its different senses and settings.

Here is a copy of Talloires Network E-Newletter for May 2014:

2014 MacJannet Prize Winners!

On behalf of the MacJannet Foundation and the 2014 Selection Committee, the Talloires Network Secretariat is pleased to announce the winners of the 2014 MacJannet Prize for Global Citizenship!

Wajibi: My Education, My Community - Small Grants Awarded to Arab Universities

ICP and Silatech announce the recipients of the University Civic Engagement Initiative, Wajibi: My Education, My Community small grants competition. Out of numerous strong proposals, two Moroccan universities and two Palestinian universities will receive grants.

14th PASCAL International Observatory Conference - South Africa

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