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UNESCO Chair - GACER News - Febuary 5, 2013

Greetings Friends,

First thank you all so very much for your support in getting information about the GUNi Call for Good Practices out last week; the deadline has been extend to February 10.  With your help the number of 'good practices' has more than doubled from around 45 to 94 as of today. There is still a need to receive short student videos and there is an opportunity to present posters as well.

Rajesh and I just finished an organizing meeting an hour ago and the plans for the May 13-15 event are very exciting indeed. The Barcelona team has unleashed a combination of creative and intellectual energy that will give us a programme structure that will unleash powerful transformative energies!  At the heart of the design are your ideas, your practices and your ideas for the future.

Please continue to get the word out particularly to those parts of the community and the world that are most often left out.

Forgive us for reposting the GUNi newsletter as many of you will have it, but it has all the information.

Thank you so very much!

Rajesh Tandon and Budd L Hall


UNESCO Chair in Community-Based Research and Social Responsibility in Higher Education

School of Public Administration


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January 2013

GUNi announces new Call for Posters
NEW! GUNi is now launching a Call for Posters a propos of its 6th International Barcelona Conference on Higher Education. The deadline for submissions is March 15th.

GUNi Member of the Month: Jimma University, Ethiopia
Jimma University is the national pioneer of Community Based Learning of Higher Education in Ethiopia.
Outcomes of the UNESCO 6th Meeting of the CCNGO/EFA
The Meeting took place in Paris (France) last 24-26 October
The Pontificia Universidad Javeriana and the Universidad del Rosario co-sponsor the Foro Internacional Árabe-Latinoamericano
The Conference took place from 30 November to 2 December 2012 in Cartagena, Colombia
The Universidad Simón Bolívar took part in the 4th LACHEC Conference
The event was held in Bogotá (Colombia) last November
UADY celebrates three simultaneous events about Higher Education
These events demonstrate Mexico’s interest in strengthening HE in the region
The UPC’s II Equal Opportunities Plan (2013-2015) has been approved
The plan was approved last 12 December by the Governing Council of the institution
Kwame Nkrumah University announces partnership with South Korean university
In the near future, a memorandum of understanding will be signed by the two institutions to formalize the partnership
The new Student Government Association at AUK begins its activity
The Association is composed of elected representatives from the student body
Red Sea University participates in a research project for multilingual education
Sudan is a multilingual country with approximately 70 different languages
PPU obtains a prize at the First Arab Innovation Network Annual Conference
The Arab Innovation Network is the first non-profit youth driven innovation network focused on the Arab region
Mahidol University to build and run a center for elderly care
The announcement was made by university administrators and the University President, Prof. Rajata Rajatanavin, last 26 November
Chulalongkorn University hosts an ASEAN Youth Exchange Program
The program was held between 10-20 January 2013 with more than 110 participants
AMECYD celebrated its 7th International Conference: “Educación para toda la vida”
The AMECYD Conference promoted a place to discuss, share and plan Lifelong Learning

U3A Online
U3A Online, out of Australia, is the first virtual U3A (University of the Third Age) in the world operating exclusively online. U3A Online offers courses to all older people, or younger disabled people, anywhere in the world.

EACHEF 2013: European-Arab Cooperation in Higher Education Forum
When: Feb 28, 2013 to Mar 01, 2013
Where: Beirut, Lebanon
Engagement Australia 2013 Conference - Next Steps: Co-producing Knowledge for Social Impact
When: Jul 15, 2013 to Jul 17, 2013
Where: Melbourne, Australia
V Congreso CREAD Andes / IV Encuentro Virtual Educa Ecuador
When: Apr 17, 2013 to Apr 19, 2013
Where: Loja, Ecuador
VIRTUAL EDUCA COLOMBIA 2013: Las Tic, elemento estratégico para la innovación educativa
When: Jun 17, 2013 to Jun 21, 2013
Where: Medellín, Colombia
Building Bridges: Community – University Partnerships for Social Justice
When: Mar 28, 2013 to Mar 28, 2013
Where: Cardiff, UK
EAIR 35TH ANNUAL FORUM ROTTERDAM 2013: “The impact of Higher Education”
When: Aug 28, 2013 to Aug 31, 2013
Where: Rotterdam, The Netherlands

Inclusión con Responsabilidad Social. Una Nueva Generación de Políticas de Educación Superior
LOPEZ CASTAÑARES, Rafael et al. Inclusión con Responsabilidad Social. Una Nueva Generación de Políticas de Educación Superior. 2012. México, D.F.: ANUIES, Dirección de Medios Editoriales.

Education as Civic Engagement: Toward a More Democratic Society
OLSON, Gary A. & WORSHAM, Lynn. (Eds). Education as Civic Engagement: Toward a More Democratic Society. 2012. Palgrave Macmillan

Universities and the Public Sphere: Knowledge Creation and State Building in the Era of Globalization
PUSSER, Brian; KEMPNER, Ken; MARGINSON, Simon & ODORIKA, Imanol. (Eds.). Universities and the Public Sphere: Knowledge Creation and State Building in the Era of Globalization. 2012. New York: Routledge

Universities and Regional Development: A Critical Assessment of Tensions and Contradictions
PINHEIRO, Rómulo; BENNEWORTH, Paul & JONES Glen A. (Eds.). Universities and Regional Development: A Critical Assessment of Tensions and Contradictions. 2012. New York: Routledge.

OECD’s latest issue of Education Indicators in Focus analyzes the social benefits of education
The report compares social benefits of education in selected OECD countries

Global Thematic Consultation on Education starts a Second e-Discussion on the Quality of learning
Have your say at defining the role of education in the post-2015 development agenda

IAU launches a portal on the Role of Higher Education in Promoting Sustainable Development (HESD)
The Portal is a contribution to the UN-Decade on Education for Sustainable Development (UN-DESD)

INHEA launches The Chronicle of African Higher Education
The first issue of this online publication is entitled "Harmonization—Academic Process for Political End?"

MENA University Presidents Launch Network to Support Higher Education Reform in the Arab World
More than 100 university presidents from across the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) meet to develop a common strategy for higher education

Call for Papers for Action Research Journal’s Special Issue
Papers may be submitted in Spanish or English

AsiaEngage compiles list of Journals for Industry and Community Engagement
The organization will enlarge the list as more resources are made available by its Secretariat

New Call for the "Programa de Apoyo a Universidades Solidarias de América Latina"
Since 2010 the Program works for the sustainability of solidarity projects in universities of the region

Nine Latin American countries create a scientific network
The project will be an open access network and was already presented in Buenos Aires

Official launch of Solar Decathlon Europe 2014
Since 2010, this prestigious university competition is organized in Europe as well

First Charter on Biodiversity in Higher Education and Research Institutions in France
The charter is made up of a commitment document and two operational tools which are specific to higher education

Critical Studies in Education (CSE) - Call for Papers
Critical Studies in Education is one of the few international journals in critical sociology of education

Deadline approaching for nominations for the MacJannet Prize
Only programs originating from member institutions of the Talloires Network are eligible for the Prize

Journal of Community Practice: Call for papers on Interdisciplinary Scholarship for Community Practice
The Journal of Community Practice articulates contemporary issues, providing direction on how to think about social problems, developing approaches to dealing with them, and outlining ways to implement these concepts in classrooms and practice settings

Nominations being accepted for the Thomas Ehrlich Civically Engaged Faculty Award
Nominees must be affiliated with a Campus Compact member institution

The Carnegie Foundation invites Higher Education Institutions to apply for its 2015 Community Engagement Classification
Since 2006, when it was first developed, a total of 311 institutions have been successfully included in the Community Engagement Classification


14th PASCAL International Observatory Conference - South Africa

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