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University Engagement and Environmental Sustainability: Grounding Knowledge. An Opportunity for publication.

Dear Colleagues,

We are in the process of putting together a publication that is part of a PASCAL book series concerned with universities and regional engagement to be published by the University of Manchester Press.  The series as a whole has already been approved by the publisher, and the first three books have been completed by the authors/editors.  We are currently soliciting chapters for another book, University Engagement and Environmental Sustainability:  Grounding Knowledge, and a number of authors have already provided potential content already. However, there are opportunities to contribute further chapters.  This book is scheduled for an Autumn 2013 release, subject to its approval.    

The content of chapters should both relate to the theme of universities and their role in environmental sustainable, reflecting also the priorities of PASCAL in regional collaboration, engagement of institutions of higher education and lifelong learning.   Each chapter should be approximately 5,000 words in length.  If you are interested in making a contribution we invite you to  submit an abstract of half-page with a short author biography. 

The deadline for abstract submission is 15 April 2012.  While there is no guarantee that a chapter proposal will be accepted, we will direct proposals that we cannot accept to other possible outlets such as journals when appropriate. 


A timeline for authorship is as follows:

15  April 2012 - Chapter proposals due.

15 May 2012 - Notification of  chapter acceptance.

31 May 2012 - Submission of proposal to Manchester University Press.

30 September 2012 - Chapter draft due.

30 October 2012 - Chapters returned with reviewer comments.

31 January  2013 - Final drafts of chapter due.

1 June 2013 - Submission of publication to publisher

Autumn 2013 - Publication


Thank you for you for considering a submission.  This promises to be an exciting addition to this PASCAL series.  Please submit chapter proposals to Sandy Petit, Publication Coordinator, at [email protected].  Any questions?  Please contact Patricia Inman at [email protected].




Patricia Inman and Diana Robinson

Editors, University Engagement and Environmental Sustainability:  Grounding Knowledge

14th PASCAL International Observatory Conference - South Africa

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