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New report from Mayors Roundtable - At the Heart of the City: Mayors on the Urban Future

The report “At the Heart of the City: Mayors on the Urban Future” (featured below) encompasses the captivating discussion that occurred during the Mayors Roundtable at the World Urban Forum 6 held in September 2012 in Naples, Italy.

Attended by 400 Mayors and Local Authority Associations, topics such as the financial architecture in countries, job creation strategies, women and youth empowerment and the need for an improved partnership between Ministers and Mayors were passionately debated.

“A common denominator needed to meet the urban challenges cities face today is the involvement of citizens. A mission for the Mayors of the world. Is there a vision for the future?”

At the Heart of the City: Mayors on the Urban Future2.67 MB

14th PASCAL International Observatory Conference - South Africa

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