The Talloires Network E-Newsletter - March 2012

The Talloires Network is one of the partners with whom PASCAL collaborates, and which is a co-signatory to the September 23 2010 Communique "Enhancing North-South Cooperation in Community-University Engagement".

The Network enjoys a high profile and is among the several national and international bodies encouraging universities worldwide to adopt a more centrally-focussed universities' 'third mission' commitment to community service in its different senses and settings.

Here is a copy of Talloires Network E-Newletter for March 2012:

March 8, 2012 The Talloires Network E-Newsletter

In This Issue

Featured Interview


Papers and Publications

Upcoming Events


New Members     
Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (Kenya)

Dublin City University (Ireland)

American University (USA)

Limerick Institute of Technology (Ireland)

To see a full list of our 235 member institutions,
click here

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Talloires Website

Remember to visit our website!

Google Map showing our member universities


About the Talloires Network

Tufts University and Innovations in Civic Participation serve as the Secretariat of the Talloires Network.


Contact Us

Rob Hollister
Talloires Network
[email protected]

Dr. Lorlene Hoyt
Director of Programs and Research
Talloires Network
[email protected]

[email protected]

Steering Committee members

Mark Gearan (Chair)
President, Hobart and William Smith Colleges

Janice Reid (Vice-Chair)
Vice-Chancellor, University of Western Sydney

Lisa Anderson
President, American University in Cairo

Scott Cowen
President, Tulane University

Sharifah Hapsah Shahabudin
Vice-Chancellor, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia

Shamsh Kassim-Lakha
Founding President, Aga Khan University

Olive Mugenda
Vice-Chancellor, Kenyatta University

José María Sanz Martínez
Rector, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

Jerome Slamat
Chairperson, South African Higher Education Community Engagement Forum

Rafael Velasco
Rector, Universidad Católica de Córdoba

John Wood
Secretary General, Association of Commonwealth Universities

Update from the Chair: President Mark Gearan

Gearan_MarkI am pleased to announce that the fourth annual MacJannet Prize has begun with great success. We received a total of 72 nominations, from 52 universities in 21 countries, for this year's MacJannet Prize. The quality and range of the projects nominated reflects the growth and increasing diversity of the Talloires Network itself. The network staff and the Prize Selection Committee are now reviewing the nominations, and the three winners will be announced in April. I had the pleasure of meeting representatives of last year's winning programs in Madrid, and I look forward to the selection of this year's winners. Look for more information on our website in the coming weeks.

I would also like to draw your attention to this month's featured interview with Jan Reid, the Vice-Chair of our Steering Committee and Vice-Chancellor of the University of Western Sydney. Jan has been active in the leadership of the Talloires Network since its inception, and I believe we can all learn from her valuable insights on the civic roles and social responsibilities of higher education. Coming editions of the newsletter will feature interviews with other members of our Steering committee.


2012 MacJannet Prize

MacJannet logo smallThe deadline for nominations for the fourth annual MacJannet Prize has now passed. Thank you to everyone who submitted a nomination this year. The Talloires Network received 72 nominations from 52 universities in 21 countries, representing the diversity of our membership. The MacJannet Prize recognizes exceptional student civic engagement initiatives based in Talloires Network member universities around the world. Three prizes will be awarded: 1st Prize ($7,500), 2nd Prize ($5,000), and 3rd Prize ($2,500). Winning programs will be profiled on the Talloires Network website and in communications that reach thousands of higher education contacts world-wide. We look forward to announcing the winning programs in April.

Featured Interview

Jan Reid: Vice-Chair of the Talloires Steering Committee

Jan-ReidFebruary marks the start of our monthly Leaders in the Civic Engagement Movement series. We begin with the Talloires Network Steering Committee Vice-Chair and leader of the University of Western Sydney (UWS), Janice Reid. According to Vice-Chancellor Reid, the location of UWS is a driving force behind her commitment to making civic engagement an institutional priority. As one of the largest of Australia’s 39 universities, each of UWS's six campuses aims to fulfil the University’s motto, “Bringing Knowledge to Life”. Reid believes that with its 40,000 students UWS can make a difference by reinforcing and contributing to a vital and productive future for its urban region of 10,000 square kilometres. Read more>>


2012 Outreach Scholarship/W.K. Kellogg Foundation Engagement Awards and the C. Peter Magrath University/Community Engagement Award
APLUSponsored by the Association of Public and Land-Grant Universities and the National Outreach Scholarship Conference, these awards seek to recognize the outreach and engagement partnership efforts of American public universities. Five regional winners are selected to receive the Outreach Scholarship Awards, and one program will receive the C. Peter Magrath University/Community Engagement Award, which includes a $20,000 prize. Applications are due April 2, 2012. Learn more>>

IARSLCE Call for Proposals

IARSLCE conference 2012The International Association for Research on Service-learning and Community Engagement (IARSLCE) has issued a Call for Proposals for their Annual Conference to be held in Baltimore from September 23-25, 2012. The conference theme is Connected Knowing. Proposals will be accepted until March 30, 2012. For more information please visit IARSLCE's website at or read the Call for Proposals>>

Papers and Publications

Report Released on Talloires Network Leaders Conference in Madrid

We are pleased to release an illustrated report on the Talloires Network Leaders Conference held in Madrid in June 2011. The conference brought together 215 vice-chancellors, rectors, presidents and other senior staff for three days of vigorous, energizing exchange. The document states, "This report is an attempt to capture some of the richess of that debate. The themes include whether there is a North-South divide in civic engagement, how universities can promote civic engagement, their role in processes of political transition, democratization and post conflict peace-building as well as what institutions are doing in areas such as technology and social change, access and widening participation, sustainable development and response to natural disasters." Network Director Rob Hollister comments, "We encourage TN members and others to use this report to build support for our global movement, and to motivate and guide action on the recommendations for action that we developed together in Madrid. Please let us know what your institutions is doing to implement goals of the Madrid Resolution so that we can share that news and experience with others in the Network." Read the Report>>

Upcoming Events

For a complete list of upcoming events, visit our website>>

Community-Campus Partnerships for Health (CCPH) 15th Anniversary Conference. "Community-Campus Partnerships as a Strategy for Social Justice: Where We’ve Been and Where We Need to Go." Houston, Texas, USA. 18-21 April 2012.

CCPHCCPH is convening its 15th Anniversary Conference to nurture a growing network of community-campus partnerships that are striving to solve our most pressing health, social and economic challenges. Held at a pivotal time in the history of CCPH and the community-campus partnerships "movement," the conference will convene hundreds of community members, faculty, staff, students, funders and policy makers from around the world for 4 days of skill-building, networking and agenda-setting. Learn more>>

AsiaEngage Inaugural conference, “Higher-Education-Industry-Community Engagement: Forging Meaningful Partnerships across Asia.” Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 7-9 May 2012.

AsiaEngage logoThe conference will bring together stakeholders from universities, industry, communities and governments to provide the necessary impetus at the regional level to develop a critical agenda that fits in with regional realities, interests and priorities towards achieving better university-industry-community engagement in Asia. To be a part of this important discussion, submit to AsiaEngage your abstract on good practices in community engagement by 1 March 2012. Learn more>>

5th Living Knowledge Conference. “Re-imagining Research Relationships – Co-creating Knowledge in a Democratic Society.” Bonn, Germany. 8-12 May 2009.

5th Living KnowledgeThe conference will set its focus on different themes to get more insight in processes, and develop specific policy recommendations that resonate with public concerns and articulated research needs and built on the experience and know-how of the previous Living Knowledge conferences. It will be an opportunity to bring together key thinkers and practitioners in the area of community based research, university/community partnerships and Science Shops and aims at providing options and opportunities for collaborations and ensuring that this area of work is prioritised on policy agendas both nationally and internationally. Learn more>>

Academy for Community and Civic Engagement. Auburn University, USA. 14-16 May 2012.

ACCE logoThe Community and Civic Engagement Initiative at Auburn University has announced the first annual Academy for Community and Civic Engagement (ACCE) for faculty throughout the American southeast in the arts and humanities who are interested in incorporating civic engagement/service learning practices into their courses, outreach scholarship, and P & T documentation. ACCE will provide an intense 3-day workshop for successful applicants.

For more information, contact Dr. Giovanna Summerfield, Associate Dean for Educational Affairs at [email protected] or go to

14th PASCAL International Observatory Conference - South Africa

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