Budd Hall's blog

Research for All: Universities and Society – New Open Access journal to be launched in the UK

The National Coordinating Council for Public Engagement in Higher Education and the Institute of Education in the UK have proposed a new open access journal for all those who are concerned about using knowledge to make a democratic impact on society.

Piketty and inequality: deeper than we thought? Your thoughts?

Thomas Piketty, a French economist has just published what many scholars are calling the definitive account of the historic evolution of inequality in advanced economics.

Be Knowledgiastic* - GUNi Conference April 13-15, Barcelona

The final programme for the GUNi conference is exciting - A wonderful range of best practices from around the world will be showcased.  World leaders in Engagement and Higher Education will be there.  Leaders of all the major global networks in community university engagement. Funders and Senior policy makers at national and international level will be there.

Make sure that you are there as well!

Hoping to see you,

Budd and Rajesh

Riyadh Statement on Social Responsibility in Higher Education

The Ministry of Higher Education in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia hosted an international conference on "Social Responsibility in Higher Education" April 16-17.  They brought together some of the best known women and men in the world for two days of dialogue and discussion.

UNESCO Chair - GACER News - February 15, 2013

We are sharing two reports on civil society today.  Rajesh Tandon and a consortium of civil society organisations produced the first one, "Civil Society at a Crossroads"

The second report was carried out by the consultancy firm KMG for the World Social Forum with the idea of providing the global economic leaders a look in on civil society trends.

UNESCO Chair - GACER News - Febuary 5, 2013

Greetings Friends,

First thank you all so very much for your support in getting information about the GUNi Call for Good Practices out last week; the deadline has been extend to February 10.  With your help the number of 'good practices' has more than doubled from around 45 to 94 as of today. There is still a need to receive short student videos and there is an opportunity to present posters as well.

UNESCO Chair - GACER News - January 17, 2013

A few conference alerts and other items people have passed to us. Hope you are well. We are particularly keen that you and your colleagues put in a proposal in to share your innovative practices and take part in the Barcelona event.  This will be the only event in the coming years with a global mandate and a focus on Knowledge, Transformation and Higher Education.  PLEASE pass this on to others in your networks.

Thank you

Rajesh Tandon and Budd L Hall


New Blog on Community Engagement and University Rankings

Dear Friends,

At the last meeting of GACER in Bonn in May of 2012, Prof Hans Schuetze, one of the best known Higher Education scholars working in the field of comparative studies agreed to lead a discussion about engagement and the rankings game. To this end he has launched a blog space to begin to develop some thoughts about community university engagement in the context of what are popularly known as the "league tables".  Many people working in engaged scholarship feel that the rankings tables are a distraction from more important ways of understanding universities and society.

Next GACER gathering May-10-12, 2012, Bonn, Germany

Dear Friends,

The next larger gathering of the Global Alliance for Community Engaged Research will take place within the 5th Living Knowledge Conference May 10-12-Bonn, Germany.

Re-imagining Research Relationships
Co-creating Knowledge in a Democratic Society

14th PASCAL International Observatory Conference - South Africa

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