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12th PASCAL Conference - Proposals for the Big Idea Sandpit - Deadline 7 August

Delegates for the 12th PASCAL Conference are invited to propose Big Ideas linked to the themes of the conference in advance of the event: five of these ideas will chosen to be pitched in plenary session on Day 2 with a strict 5 minute presentation. There will then be a debate and vote for the best idea. That idea will then be developed into a longer presentation by the presenter and advocates from the conference, and debated further on Day 3.

To submit a Big Idea you are asked to submit online at this link the following:

  • A proposal related to one of the five themes of the conference that demonstrates new thinking about the topic and which offers an innovative approach to putting that idea into practice.
  • Your idea should be submitted in no more than 200 words.

Deadline for Big Ideas is 7 August.

We are sure that there are many ideas out there that deserve debate so please enter the debate and pose your Big Idea!


14th PASCAL International Observatory Conference - South Africa

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